Thursday, 16 April 2015

Kelly and Julie go underground!

Team GB Olympian judo fighter Kelly Edwards was part of a team that included London 2012 Paralympian Julie Rogers, also Simon Cox and Ian Byers who completed the Tube Challenge of visiting all 270 London Underground stations in a day. The team of four took on the ever changing challenge of the London underground network for the charity Niamh's Next Step, to raise money and awareness of the charity and Neuroblastoma - a rare form of childhood cancer. 

The team set out from Heathrow Airport at 5:02 am on the Piccadilly Line, and navigated all 250 miles of the London Underground to visit all of the 270 stations within the network on the hottest day of the year so far. Battling against the heat, the daily hustle and bustle of the tube and tiredness of the long day, the team reached their final destination of Chesham on the Metropolitan Line at 23:20 tired and exhausted.

Kelly said "It was an amazing day where we were on the go constantly for 18 hours and 18 minutes. I’m delighted that we managed to succeed in the challenge and I hope that the money and awareness we raised for the charity helps make a difference in the fight against tackling Neuroblastoma”.
If you would like to find out more about the Niamhs Next Step charity, you can visit their website Or if you would like to sponsor Kelly, Julie and the team for their challenge, you can do so here

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